Age of Empires 2: The Conquerors Walkthrough

Here, developed alone by me and proven to work in online game
after online game is a guide to getting a fast Dark to
Feudal/Castle Time - This method can be used offline or online
but proves more effective for the latter.  Anyway, what to

Before the game starts, select the Aztecs as your  - they start
with an eagle warrior who has a brilliant line of sight making
easier to explore.  First, create 4 villigers with the 200
starting food.  You should also use the patrol function to send
the eagle warrior on a parimeter around your town centre, this
means you don't have to control him as he explores.  Whilst he
does this, get one villiger to build 3 houses, close to each
other, which will accomidate for the new villigers -it will
the population counter to read 4/20.

The eagle warrior should find 8 sheep, which you should move to
your Town Centre as soon as they are found, the Berry Bushes, 2
boar and 4/5 deer.  You must understand that the map in each
game, unless it is a custom map, is newly generated each time so
that the resources are never in the same place, finding the
resources fast is often down to luck but it is possible.

Anyway, the eagle warrior should have at least found some sheep
and the bushes by the time the villiger builds the first house.
You should now send two villigers to build a mill next to the
bushes where they will harvest food from them.  The first
villiger will now be created, send him/her to get food from the
sheep, if you havn't found the sheep, send him to help with the
bushes - keep looking for your sheep if you havn't found them,
its important that you have 8.  The next three villigers should
then proceed, again, although it is unlikely by now, you not
found sheep so send them to the bushes, if not send them to get
food from the sheep.

Either way, by now you should have 2 or more people harvesting
the bushes, the villiger finishing the last house and some
getting food from the sheep, once the building villiger
send him to help with the sheep/bushes.  Ok, now keep creating
villigers with the food the harvesters and sheep killers bring
in.  Send them to either the bushes or sheep, not anytinng else

Now, when all the sheep of gone you get hunt the boar, to do
succesfully, send one villiger to attack the boar, the boar wil
chase the villiger so move him near the town centre were the
villigers who were/are killing sheep can help attack the boar.
Repeat for the second boar.  Once the sheep and boar are killed
send your villigers to kill the deer.

Only when there are 6 people harvesting the bushes and 6 people
killing sheep/boar/deer (totaling 13/20 on the population
counter) should you change and create villigers to chop wood.
these are created, send them to the trees near your town
not near any forests as it speeds up time spent moving wood.
Reapeat this until you have 18 or 19/20 on the population
counter.  Then, with the wood harvested, create one more house.
Keep choping until you get to 100 wood where you can send all
choppers to build a lumber camp next to a lot of trees.

Keep creating villigers to chop wood until the population
23/25 were you can create 2 villigers which you can send to make
farms which will help with food gathering.  Then you should have
enough food to advance to the Feudal age (requires 500 food).
During this time, the villigers harvesting the bushes will have
exhaugsted the food so send them to build a mining camp near a
supply of gold (found by the scouting eagle warrior).

Now all the villigers should be hard at work either gathering
food, mining or chopping.  During this time, build 2 more houses
to bring the counter up to 25/35.

Now if you wanted to get a fast Feudal then this would work, but
I've advanced the scheme to speed up getting a castle age as
well.  Here's the rest...

Once you reach feudal the villigers who were hunting the deer
will have finished, send them to create farms (research horse
collar in the mill if you can).  Wait until your wood supply is
back up and build a market and blacksmith, whilst waiting you
create more villigers to chop wood or, if you have the wood,
build farms.  By now you should have around 8-10 farms with
enough people chopping to replensih the farms when they run out.

In a matter of minutes your food will reach 600-700, keep
creating villigers and farms if you can.  You;'ll also notice
have more then the required 200 gold to advance to castle age,
spend the excess gold on buying food and voila, 800 food and 200
gold read to advance to castle age in 20-23 minutes.  The best
step from here is to then build a barracks and create eagle
warriors (20 food, 50 gold) to rush the enemy, they are
against most things and are fast with a long range of sight.

There, all done, now just practice the technique if it dosn't
quite work how this is written, remember - the map always
so each game is different and finding food can be difficult,
practice and experience, it all fits together though.

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