Black and White Walkthrough

Tips For Being Good

If you're not too sure how to be good then you need to try out
some of these angelic tips. Keep all desire flags low in every
village on every building all the time. You will often hear the
consciences talking about how you are ignoring the peoples'
desires. When this is happening you are being evil - so stop it.
Being good means keeping things alive. Ideally you should never
kill any living being whether it's animal or human. Surprisingly
killing off evil Gods and creatures is also considered to be
evil, so never wipe them out completely. Even more surprising is
the fact that eating fish is classed as slightly evil.

Impress villages not under your control with traders. They will
take wood to that village to make a huge impression. Such a
generous action does wonders for your influence and is a
sure-fire way to stay on the path of righteousness. Sending
missionaries to villages is another non-aggressive way to impress
folk. These peaceful preachers sit in towns not under your
control and attempt to convert locals with tales of wonder. With
enough missionaries you can easily take over a town that doesn't
require much belief. Watering crops with water miracles is a very
easy and effective way to be good. The only downside to this is
that if too much food is produced as a result, the villagers
could start breeding like rabbits. Be kind to the environment by
watering small trees to make them grow. Also don't destroy entire
forests when expanding, leave a few trees so that the forest can
replenish itself.

Generally speaking the game considers those who nurture and
protect forests to be very, very nice people. Solve the silver
scroll quests in a nice way. Generally this means lots of saving
drowning children, helping deceased villagers and stuff like
that. If a silver scroll quest appears to be inherently evil
regardless of the outcome do not even attempt it. Nature
miracles, wood miracles, food miracles and flock of bird miracles
make very a very good impression with the villagers - and your
influence. Cast these as opposed to destructive miracles to stay
on the side of good. Never take food from the village store to
feed either your creature or villagers. This is classed as an
evil act, even if you are doing it to feed your own villages. The
game only sees this as taking away from your store and doesn't
consider the wider implications. When villagers ask for
something, give it to them as soon as possible. If they ask for
civic or business buildings for example, don't delay, get on the
case before they start losing faith in you. If you never give
villagers what they need they completely lose faith and become
disillusioned which makes them more likely to believe in other

Casting a heal miracle on villagers not only cures them of any
illnesses they might have, it actually makes them live longer
too. Teaching your creature to heal villagers is also a wise and
kind move. Never sacrifice people or animals at the worship site
for extra prayer power. Be nice to your villagers and let them
dance around the site properly to give you power. If you are
desperate for a quick boost in energy sacrifice a tree or shrub -
not too many though because any sacrifice eventually registers as
evil. If another creature or God attacks you, use protection
miracles. Spiritual shield and physical shield are excellent at
diverting attacks and they are completely non-aggressive. They
also do a fairly good job of impressing people. Never fight back
with miracles such as fireball, lightning, megablast or storm.
These are considered weapons of destruction and are therefore
evil. The only exception to this is when it's a case of last
ditch survival. When all else has failed, violence is acceptable.
Lastly and most importantly, don't let villagers die at the
worship site. Feed them and look after them well. If any are
about to die from fatigue or old age then remove them and place
them back in the village or an empty house to recuperate.

Tips For Being Evil

Evil is probably the most natural way to play Black & White for
most of us, but it's not always easy being bad. Here's how to do
it with flair! Let all of your villagers' desires go unheeded.
Don't let them expand, don't feed them and don't give them wood.
There are much more important things to be getting on with.
Besides, humans eventually learn how to find their own food and
wood anyway. Kill, abuse and torture anything and everyone you
come across.

A favourite method of maiming is to set fire to people and watch
them run around slowly burning to death. Throwing living things
across the landscape is also pretty nasty and gets your evil
rating up very quickly. Pluck trees from forests and chuck them
straight into the village workshop if you decide to expand your
village. Don't stop there though, grab every single tree there is
and then marvel at your amazing powers of deforestation. Throwing
rocks around is a marvellously destructive pastime and increases
your evil rating by loads. This kind of activity is especially
useful when it comes to impressing new villages.

The only problem with impressing villages this way is the
time-consuming clean-up job that has to be done once the village
has been conquered. Teach your creature to eat ripe village
crops. If there are no crops around then teach him to eat the
local livestock. If all else fails get him to eat a few high
profile humans and make sure you do it with plenty of onlookers
shrieking in terror. Setting fire to forests is one of the vilest
acts you can do in Black & White. Obviously it's best to ignore
your own forests initially and find a forest that's clearly
supplying another God and then burn it to the ground. Such
disrespect of nature is bound to get you a few evil brownie
points. Stealing food from the village store is evil. Take as
much as you can and then feed it to your creature. If it's not
hungry simply put it in his pen for a later date. Always
encourage him to get back to his pen and eat the grain whenever
he can.

Impress other villages by using offensive spells like storm,
lightning and fireball. This is clearly a terribly inhumane way
to impress people and will render you evil to the core. As a bit
of fun you can prolong the agony by putting out any fires and
then blasting them again. Solve all silver scroll quests in the
most aggressive way possible. For example, if you need to save
children from drowning- don't. Let them drown. In fact, bring
their mother to the beach to watch them drown, and then as the
finale throw her in too. Life's a bitch...

Never teach your creature the basics of house training. Let him
continue to poo wherever he likes. In fact, try and get him to
relieve himself at the village centre; lots of people congregate
there and are more likely to be offended by the stench and mess.
Sacrifice new born babies if you're getting low on prayer power -
the younger they are the more potent their power. If there are no
children around sacrifice anything else you can get your hands
on, including adult humans, animals and plants. Sacrificing is a
truly awesome act of barbarity that no evil God should do

Throughout the entire game try only to use offensive spells. The
exception to this rule is when your towns or creature are being
attacked. By all means heal your creature in an emergency and if
your village is being pulverised don't be ashamed to go for
physical and spiritual shields. Get your creature into as many
fights as possible and use as many miracles as you can during the
violence. Even if it loses the battle valuable fighting lessons
are learnt for the future. If possible fight in and around towns
to cause maximum destruction and inconvenience to local

Don't just do evil things - specialise in cunning, creative
mischief. Combine effects to wreak total havoc. Set fire to
villagers and then throw them into the worship site; heat up a
giant boulder and then roll it through a village setting fire to
buildings as it goes. You have an imagination- so use it! Throw
mushrooms or poo into the village store to taint the food. This
is more effective on enemy villages of course, but as usual there
is nothing stopping you doing it to your own followers. You can
also do it if you're about to be taken over; it's a lovely legacy
to leave behind for the next God.

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