Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun Walkthrough

I spent the time to write this all my self, and im very happy
with it. I hope you are too!

These tactics only work for NOD.

Try to get a big base and you'll survive!

Deploy base in nearest corner.

Now find all the entry points to your base where the GDI or Nod
Traitors might get in! Then use the units you started with to
block them! If the entry is like a narrow gap say 4 spaces block
it with the vehicles so the enemy can't get by if the firepower
isn't enough! Remember to back these units later on! They will
attacked! Try to do all this while building your base! Other
the opposing team can get in by air or underground! So watch
Also try to get in to there base using an attack bike! If
Nod then mark the Construction Yard with a waypoint and the war
factory! (If they've built one yet). Then your attack will be
really easy!

Build in this order:

Power Plant
Barracks + 5 Rocketeers  (move rocketeers to entry points)
2 Silos
Power Plant
War factory (if good on money build 2 harvesters)
Wall around Construction Yard
Refinery + Tanks (position tanks for extra defence and cover)
Advanced Power Plant + Mobile Sensor Array (deploy at centre of
Technology Centre
Put a Laser on each side of the Construction Yard
3 Advanced Power Plants
Obelisk of Light + 5 Tanks
Sell 1 refinery and build a new 1
Temple of Nod
Obelisk of Light
3 Adv Power Plants + Commando + 5 Artillery (put commando next
Construction Yard)
2 or 3 Adv Power Plants
Stealth Generator + Spare MCV
Put MCV at back of base
Missile Silo
Force of Tanks/Men
Barracks (just in case other one gets destroyed)
Couple of Adv Power Plants + Obelisk's of Light
Obelisk of Light next to MCV
5 Silos
Also if you're in open ground it might help to build a wall
your base with gates to allow your units through but don't spend
all your time on this!

Now your base is ready get an idea of how you want to attack.
Here are some ideas of how to attack and what to do.

Air attack

If you have enough money for this then try it if you can see the
enemy's base!

Build 15 helipads + 15 Banshee's
If playing against Nod it's most likely that they'll be cloaked
so use they waypoints you set down earlier! You don't have to
hold the cursors on the waypoint just next to it and press Ctrl
mouse left click! That way they will attack the ground where the
structure is standing and hopefully blow it up! (It's best to
know where the war factory/tech centre is so you can get either
of them at the same time). The tech centre is probably the best
bet, as your Banshee's may not have much ammo left!
Then just keep bombing on the main structures, i.e. Power
Hand of Nod Missile silo etc. You could also take out ground
defence so you can send in your units etc.

Underground Attack

You should already have a commando and Subterranean APC
Build 3 more Sub APC s at the least
At the same time build 9 Roketeers and 10 Cyborgs
Put all the Cyborgs, Rocketeers and the Commando together then
select them all and make them group 1 by pressing Ctrl 1
Load them into the Sub APC s
Then select the Sub APC s and make them group 2 by pressing
Ctrl 2
Now build 2 Attack Buggies or 2 Attack Cycles
Use 1 to scout round for your enemies base.
Once you've found it drive the over one straight through it
A good idea if you're against Nod is to mark out important
buildings that you pass because they might be within range of a
Stealth Generator
If you get to mark the Construction Yard then that's where you
want to enter
Use a missile to get rid of any defences or maybe weaken the
Construction Yard
Press 2 to select your Sub APC s and click where you want them
appear. If it's in the middle of the base I suggest that you
an eye on your Sub APC s. As soon as they raise keep-hitting D
they deploy straight away when they're out select them by
pressing 1 then attack.
If your opponent is under stealth then attack Power Plants to
reveal their base.
If you get to destroy the Construction Yard try to destroy
the War Factory or Technology Centre to prevent them from
building an MCV.
Then go for Barracks/Hand of Nod to deny them building any more
The rest should be easy.
If there are a lot of defences i.e. Obelisk's of Light attack
power plants, this should give the opponent low power.

Land Attack

OK this one's pretty easy just build lots of troops and tanks
and just attack your opponent's base
It might help if you build another Mobile Sensor Array and some
Artillery then deploy them outside opponent's base. The Mobile
Sensor Array might even reveal Cloaked Structures etc.
It's best to either spread your artillery or put some tanks or
troops with them in case enemy units come in close and the
artillery can't attack.
Take out main structures such as Power Plants! Then go for the
Construction Yard and then either the War Factory or Tech centre
this ensures that the enemy can't build another MCV!

Capture the enemy!

For this one you have to be very very quick!
Ignore all the things listed above!

Do it in this order:

Deploy MCV, and then guard of the entrances, at the same time
send one of your fast units to have a scout round the enemy
The enemy are normally opposite you! Try to find the
Yard, Barracks and War Factory!

Put a power plant towards the tiberium!
Meanwhile build a Hand of Nod first and 5 Rocketeers to block
Now build 4 Refinery's as near to the tiberium as possible (that
way you get more money quicker!
Now build War factory then Radar and then the tech centre. While
on this you could start building 10 engineers!
After you've done the tech centre build 2 Sub APC's.
Then put all the engineers in the APC's. Don't group the
Build an obelisk of light ready to put in the enemy's base when
you've captured a structure to get rid of annoying units!
Group the Sub's as Ctrl+1.
Now direct them to the enemy's Construction yard! The unguarded
side would be a good bet!
Keep the Sub's selected. When they surface hit D. This will
deploy the engineers! Now select an engineer at a time and click
on the building you want to capture! The building will then be
yours! Deploy the Obelisk of light next to it and then sell the
captured building. (Encase the enemy captures it back). Now go
for barracks and war factory so you can build units in their
base. From then on you can't lose.

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